1-3 December 2024
Date: 1-3 December 2024
Venue: e-Learning Center - University of Bahrain - Kingdom of Bahrain
Symposium Proceeding Volume will be submitted to the
IET Inspec, IEEE Xplore, Elsevier's Scopus for indexing
An annually run IET symposium related to development of smart innovations for smart cities. The symposium objectives are; to create awareness through research and publications about the future prospects of smart cities. The symposium also serves as a platform to exchange ideas and thoughts in international prospect and stand. In addition, the symposium is emphasizing the role of academia, universities, industries, experts, and innovations for promoting smart cities solutions, projects, smarter ideas, consultancies and continuity in the form of indexed publications. The 8th IET International Smart Cities Symposium (8-scs-2024) will be held at the University of Bahrain, Bahrain, on December 1-3, 2024. The symposium will feature world-class plenary speakers, major technical symposiums, industry and academic panels, and invited tracks. For more information, please visit symposium website: https://www.iet-smartcities-symposium.com/. You are cordially invited to submit your latest research work to the symposium. Best paper awards will be selected from accepted papers. The symposium and tracks papers will be published and indexed in IET Inspec - IEEE Xplore, and will appear on other indexing databases.
An annually run IET symposium related to development of smart innovations for smart cities. The symposium purposes are; to create awareness through research and publications about the future prospects of smart cities. The symposium also serves as a platform to exchange ideas and thoughts in international prospect and stand. In addition, the symposium is emphasizing the role of academia, universities, industries, experts, and innovations for promoting smart cities solutions, projects, smarter ideas, consultancies and continuity in the form of indexed publications.
The main purpose of the event is to create awareness about the future prospects of Smart Cities. The event will serve as a platform to exchange ideas and throughout in an international prospects. The event objectives are also in emphasizing the role of universities in the region in promoting Smart Cities via consultancy, building smarter ideas, or continuity in the form of publications and creating innovative solutions. In addition, the organization of the 8th Smart Cities Symposium, will also focus on networking opportunities, and is a good starting point and could help in making networking opportunities for smart cities. The event venue will be at E-Learning Centre University of Bahrain, and will run for three days, (1-3 December 2024). The symposium will also involve both invited speakers (talking about needs for smart cities), in addition to academic submitted papers (with review process), as they will be published afterward within the IET (once satisfying the needed technical standards).
The three days event will be filled with paper sessions, talks, and invited addresses that focuses on such a future direction. The symposium is designed to allow in-depth discussion and informal exchange of ideas, concepts, and experiences in a wide range of topics related to smart cities, Engineering, IT, and in particular related solutions to smart cities. The symposium set-up encourages establishment of new professional and personal relationships around the world. Smart Cities, is a new and emerging concept that have received a substantial attention for a while. This is because of the fast development of Engineering Concepts, IT and ICT sectors.
In reality, Smart cities is a used term used to define employment of smart technologies and data as the means to solve cities’ sustainability challenges and prosper. In this sense, many cities are in the process of transforming themselves to be smart. This can be achieved while relying and using data and technology to improve a number of sectors. Sectors that are applicable for such transformations are:
Energy use,
Health issues,
Health care,
Air quality, or to …
Drive economic growth}.
This University of Bahrain 8th IET Smart Cities Symposium (1-3 December 2024) is being organized with collaboration of the IET, (The Institution of Engineering and Technology), UK.
Smart Cities, is a new and emerging concept that have received a substantial attention for a while. This is because of the fast development of Engineering Concepts, IT and ICT sectors. In reality, Smart cities is a used term used to define employment of smart technologies and data as the means to solve cities’ sustainability challenges and prosper. In this sense, many cities are in the process of transforming themselves to be smart. This can be achieved while relying and using data and technology to improve a number of sectors. Sectors that are applicable for such transformations are:
{Transport, Energy use, Health issues, Health care, and Air quality, or to Drive economic growth}. Others are being built to be smart from the start. So this is a term that relates to the present and to the future. Nevertheless, in general notion, cities world-wide consume substantial resources and global energy supply, which make them much under demand to be transformed to smart. Reports are also showing that, there are growing numbers of the world’s natural resources, global energy supply, healthcare issues, the need of fast and easy transports, and easy health care. In addition, over the coming twenty years, it is expected that cities worldwide will generate not less than 60 per cent of global GDP. In this sense there are potentials that, Engineering and High Technologies will help and participate to resolve a number of issues and demands of current cities.
The regional infrastructure, and the ICT backbone, are developing very fast, that makes the concept of smart cities are very applicable concepts locally. Therefore, the event will be an excellent platform and a site for energetic and dynamic discussions between locally demanding parties, possible international experts, and the community of academics, decision makers, researchers, practitioners, real estate developers in Bahrain, investors and policy makers from the urban spheres. This is all with the aim to explore such emerging trends and innovative solutions to green and smart cities within the region.
The main purpose of the event is create awareness about the future prospects of Smart Cities. The event will serve as a platform to exchange ideas and throughout in an international prospects. The event objectives are also in emphasizing the role of academic institutions in promoting a smarter kingdom via its consultancy, building smarter ideas or continuity in the form of publications and creating innovative solutions. In addition, such organization of the event, will also focus on networking opportunities, and that the event is a good starting point and could help in making networking opportunities for smart cities.
The event venue will be at University of Bahrain, and will run for three days, 01-03 December 2024. The symposium will involve both invited speakers (talking about load needs for smart cities), in addition to academic submitted papers (with review), as they will be published afterward within the IET (once satisfying the needed technical standards).
Smart Manufacturing for Oil and Gas Industries
Big data analytics tools for smart manufacturing.
IR 4.0 technologies in oil and gas.
Computational data-driven approach for innovative smart materials/meta-materials.
Digitalization of the oil and gas Supply Chains.
Exploration and Production (E&P) utilization of Cloud infrastructure.
Intelligent Asset management systems in Oil and Gas industry.
Promoting Concept of Smart Cities within Bahrain/Region.
Showing Abilities to be Engaged with Cities Modern Directions.
Placing the region over Maps of Smart Cities.
Starting Smart Cities Research Oriented Topics and Projects.
Creating Links, locally, Regionally and Internationally
Creating a House of Experts within the region.
Solving Locally Needed Projected and Related Issues.
Bring together stakeholders and experts, which will help and support capacity building in smart cities.
Bring together Academia and Industry Experts to Express their views on the Development of Smart Cities and how Smart Technology can be used to improve Lives of People.
Create a Network with Industry Experts and Professionals that will help in Funding Solutions for the Common Challenges in Building Smart Cities.
Smart Cities Cyber Physical Infrastructures.
Smart Homes, Smart Hospitals, ... Smart Campuses.
Green Computing, Big Data, and Analysis.
Energy & Smart Grids.
Smart Transportation System.
IOT ... and Smart Applications.
High-Performance Networking Using Visible Light.
Lost and Unaccounted Natural Gas.
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
Metaverse and the Future of Internet
Data Science and Big Data Systems Engineering
Smart light System.
New Technologies for Smart Environment.
Mobile Crowd-sourcing for Smart Cities.
Interactive Architecture.
Virtual & Augmented Realities.
Smart Urban Planning, & Design Solutions.
Technology Enabled Homes and Interiors.
Robots Capabilities in Smart Cities.
Infrastructure in Smart Cities.
Quantum Information & Technologies
Technology Enabled Homes & Interiors.
Covid-19 Technology Solutions | AI enabled Digital Solutions.
Urban Development Sustainability
Smart Cities Resilient Infrastructure
Inclusive Technologies and Accessibility
Digital Transformation for Environmental Sustainability
Smart Mobility and Transportation
Integration of Renewable Energy in Smart Cities
Smart City Initiatives and Social Inclusion
Data Governance and Privacy in Smart Cities
Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies
Innovative Approaches to Urban Planning
Unfolding [layered] envelopes to future [cyber-sociology-technical] crucibles
Smart Cities (platforms).
Cognitive Habitats ([focal-to-systemic-interference-]leveraging capabilities
Cognitive Societies (World - Cognition (i.e. ever-advancing crucibles of full-spectrum of life), and outcomes.
Cyber Security Challenges in Smart Cities.
Cyber Attacks.
Developing a Robust and Responsive Sensor Network.
Healthcare Services within Smart Cities.
Cyber Security for Healthcare Devices.
Block Chain and Smart Cities.
Securing Smart City Network Infrastructure.
Consumer IoT and Security.
Data and Device Security for Smart Cities.
AI for IoT Security.